Warsaw Piano Class Lesson Fees

First trial lesson is FREE!
* The first trial lesson is 30 min.

Warsaw Piano Class, a piano school located in Warsaw, Poland, is a piano class taught by Japanese student pianists from the Chopin Music University. Our class has lesson rooms in the Śródmieście, Żoliborz and Mokotów districts of Warsaw. We also offer lessons in which teacher come to your home and online piano lessons.

ショパン音楽教室ロゴ透明F. Chopin
I will explain piano lessons in Warsaw!

Lessons in our lesson room in WARSAW

We have lesson rooms in each of three districts of Warsaw.

  • Śródmieście
    Steps from Dworzec Gdanski station (M1, Bus, Tram) and Warszawa Gdanska station (Train)
  • Żoliborz
    Nearest station: Plac Wilsona (M1, Bus, Tram)
  • Mokotów
    Nearest station: Wierzbno (M1, Bus, Tram)
Lessons in our lesson room
Weekly lesson course
Lesson fees
First trial lesson (30 min.) FREE
30 min lesson course 100 PLN/ 1 lesson
45 min lesson course 135 PLN/ 1 lesson
60 min lesson course 170 PLN/ 1 lesson

What do you prepare?

  • Piano textbook and sheet music
    * Ask us what kind of sheet music you should buy

Apply for a lesson in our lesson room

Lessons at your home

Lessons at your home

Weekly lesson course
Lesson fees
First trial lesson (30 min.) FREE
+Transportation fee
30 min lesson course 110 PLN /1 lesson
+Transportation fee
45 min lesson course 145 PLN /1 lesson
+Transportation fee
60 min lesson course 180 PLN /1 lesson
+Transportation fee

※Transportation expenses are the round-trip fare for public transportation from the teacher’s home to the student’s home. (fundamentally Zone 1: 8,80 PLN, Zone 2: 14 PLN)

What do you prepare?

  • Piano 
  • Piano textbook and sheet music
    * Ask us what kind of sheet music you should buy

Apply for a lesson in our lesson room

Online lesson

Online lesson
Weekly lesson course
Lesson fees
First trial lesson (30 min.) 70 PLN/ 1 lesson
30 min lesson course 90 PLN/ 1 lesson
45 min lesson course 120 PLN/ 1 lesson
60 min lesson course 150 PLN/ 1 lesson

What do you prepare?

  • Piano
  • Piano textbook and sheet music
    * Ask us what kind of sheet music you should buy

Apply for online lesson

About the lesson

About the weekly lesson schedule

Our teachers are also active as pianists, so concerts are held irregularly.

By the end of each month, once you have decided on the next month’s lesson schedule with your teacher, please pay us the monthly fee for the next month’s lessons.

About payment

Payment is in advance by bank transfer, BLIK or cash.

For weekly lessons, please pay by the end of the previous month; for irregular lessons, please pay before the start of the lesson.

About cancel

If for any reason the teacher or you are unable to continue the lesson after payment, refunds are as follows:

  • If the teacher cancels: Refund or change of date/time/teacher
  • If you cancel: Up to one date/time change (non-refundable)
For any inquiries regarding lessons at Warsaw Piano Class, please contact us by email or via our contact form

Would you like to take your first free trial lesson?

We are currently accepting free trial lessons for the first time.



  • レッスン日時のご相談
  • オンラインレッスン機材やインターネット環境についてのご相談
  • ピアノのご購入のご相談
  • ワルシャワ在住者向け対面レッスンのご相談



